Monday, 25 November 2013

battle time

Hullo guys,

How are you? Another Monday is over and the Christmas is getting closer! I can't believe that on Sunday is time for the first window of the advent calendar!

I should finally start Christmas shopping and figuring out what to give to my friends and family. But I'd also save something from my budget for these... Thinking of my budget, I can't have everything I want, so I'll need to decide between my options. So I'd really like your help in this, let me know what  you think?

Cheap Monday - Second Skin Very Strech Onewa       vs.        Doctor Denim - Kissy

                         Pieces - Dalinda Necklace                        vs.           Pieces - Duffy Necklace

Superdry - Appliqué Off Set          vs.     Superdry - Hockey

 vs.   Superdry - 45 JPN Offset

Superdry - Warriors   vs.   Superdry - (lost the name ;)

Zoey M. - Mint jumpsuit                 vs.         Zoey M. Dark Blue jumpsuit


         Andiamo - An Shari, 129€            vs.      River Island - Chain Calf Biker, 94,95€

I found everything - except the shoes - at Oneway, it seriously was the best place to work at, I just wish that everything would have been free for the people working there...
I've been looking for a gold statement necklace for along time, so these necklaces hanging at the store really caught my eye!
I love tight jeans, so I really liked the Cheap Monday's second skin- jeans and Dr. Denims jeans/jeggins . And while folding the Superdry clothes, I saw how super soft they are! I just need to have some, they're So. Soft! The brand should be called Supersoft!
I've been thinking about buying a jumpsuit for a long time already, because it's perfect for the lazy days and after ski! But the real One Piece is a bit too expensive, so the Zoey M. version was perfect,.I just can't decide which color?
And last but not least, the shoes. I'm in desperate need of winter shoes, so I really have to decide soon. I almost bought Andiamo's shoes last week, but at the moment I'm back with the River Island ones.
So, help is needed!
Have a great week!
Love, Anna




  1. wow these are so pretty!!
    thanks for your sweet comment on my blog x

    If you decided to follow me on (gfc, bloglovin, chictopia or lookbook), leave a comment on my blog to lemme know and I'll return the favor :)

    Little Miss Olen.

  2. I love all these things! Only the first jeans does not look good (I think it's too high), so I would pick the second one! :)

    xx, eleonora

    * eleonoras blog *

    1. Thank you, I'll maybe decide with the others then! :)


Thanks for your comments lovelies, they always make my day! Leave a link of your blog so I'll come and take a look! ❤️

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