Sunday, 27 July 2014

don't just be another brick in the wall


How are you doing?
I had a a great, warm week with friends, tennis, summer cottage and sun!

So I finally went to the hairdresser! I needed to cut my dead ends but I also wanted something different from what I had and what everyone had. I didn't want to dye my hair completely or even higlight it since it has kept it natural color this far (and gotten free blondening thanks to the sun!) , my hairs too thin for a frinch and it has taken me forever to grow my hair this long so I didn't wanna cut it. Out of options? Noooo

I decided to go back a couple of years and get a dip dye! Oh yes I know that it's done already and I've done it already (purple and pink two years ago) but atleast it's not too popular anymore and this kind of combination I haven't seen on anyone. Even googling the example pictures was a biy hard since not many blondes wanted a black dipdye, but I anyway joined the few! I'm really happy with the result even though my hairdresser at Redpoint was a bit wondering about it before actually doing it. What do you think? 


Mitä kuuluu? Mulla on ollut tosi kiva ja lämmin viikko kavereitten, mökkeilyn, tenniksen ja auringon kanssa!

Menin sitten vihdoinkin kampaajalle! Huonojen latvojen leikkaamisen lisäksi halusin jotain vaihtelua,erilaista mitä mulla oli ja mitä muilla on. En kuitenkaan halunnut värjätä mun omaa sävyä pois (tää auringon tekemä ilmainen vaalennus kelpaa hyvin!), mun hiukset on liian ohuet kivalle otsatukalle ja lyhyeksi leikkaaminen ei innostanut ihan vielä koska tänkin pituuden saavuttaminen vei ikuisuuden. Eihän jäljelle jäänyt oikeen mitään vaihtoehtoja?

Mutta hätä keinot keksii! (nää suomalaiset sanonnat on kyllä mainioita) Palasin pari vuotta taaksepäin ja otin dippivärjäyksen! Tiiän että se on jo vähän vanha juttu ja mulla ittellänikin oli pinkki-liilat latvat pari vuotta sitten kun trendi oli erityisen suosittu, mutta eipähän nyt enää oo liian monella samaa. Ja mustia latvoja en oo kenelläkään blondilla nähnyt, joten kiva että sen puoleen erilainen. Oon ite tosi tyytyväinen lopputulokseen vaikka kampaaja Redpointissa vähän epäröi ennen kuin nää hiukset maalasi. Mitä mieltä te ootte? 

top Tally Weijl, skirt Veromoda, shoes Vagabond, bag Michael Kors, watch Michael Kors, spike bracelet Claire's, bangle Norddtröm, cross bracelet a gift

Have a lovely Sunday!
Ihanaa sunnuntaita!

Love, Anna

Wednesday, 16 July 2014



How are you?

I'm at the moment in the car with my sister and grandfather, we're driving to Leppävirta to see our relatives. Last weekend I spent in Joensuu at Ilosaarirock. It was a really well organized and also otherwise a really good event! And there were some really amazing artists (like -tadadadaa- Ellie Goulding!). It was a lot different than Summer Up so they can't really be compared, but I was happily surprised with both of them and both in their own ways. Ilosaarirock was more easy going and a lot of people just lay on the grass while listening go music, in Summer Up all the people were in one big pile 'dancing' and 'singing' (a.k.a. bouncing and shouting). And the athmosphere was different also just because of the different music styles. But both had in common the fact that people had lovely clothes! The leis weren't so popular in Ilosaarirock as in Summer Up -there almost everyone had one- and there were some really cool rock-styled outfits, but some of the same elements were in both. I captured some of my favourite outfits and artists.


Olen tällä hetkellä autossa siskon ja isoisäni kanssa menossa kohti Leppävirtaa sukulaisia tapaamaan. Viime viikonloppu meno Joensuussa Ilosaarirockissa, oliko muita sielläpäin myös? Mun mielestä Ilosaarirock oli tosi hyvin järjestetty festari, ja siellä oli iso kasa super hyviä artisteja (mm. Ellie Goulding! Jonka bussiin Suomeen tullessa oli muuten kirjotettu Ellie Glouding, voi nolous!). Se ja Summer Up olivat ihan erilaisia festareita joten siksi hankala verrata, mutta molemmat iso positiivinen yllätys! Ilosaarirock oli rennompi ja siellä ihmiset usein vain makoili nurmikolla ja kuunteli musiikkia, Summe Upissa oltiin yhessä kasassa käsiä heiluttelemassa. Ja koska festareilla oli eri musiikkityylit niin oli tunnelmakin tietysti erilainen. Molempia kuitenkin yhdisti se, että kävijöillä oli ihania vaatteita! Leit ei ollut Ilosaarirockissa ihan yhtä yleisiä kuin Summer Upissa jossa niitä oli lähes jokaisella, mutta muita yhteisiä asutekijöitä kyllä löytyi. Kuvasin joitakin lempiasujani ja lempiartistejani.

As well as over 30 artists live, I saw Heidi Tuominen, a huge blog idol of mine! She was soo sweet and I was so excited to actually meet her even just for a really short time after following her blog for about two years! If you yet haven't, you definitely have to check out her blog, Searching for the LBD

Reilun 30 artistin lisäksi näin jonkun muun josta olin vähintään yhtä innoissaan, Heidi Tuomisen! Hän on yksi isoimmista blogi-idoleistani ja olen seurannut hänen blogia jo reilu puoltoista vuotta, joten oli tosi upeeta nähdä hänet kasvokkain vaikkakin ihan lyhyesti! Heidi oli vielä sydämellisempi ja ihanampi ihminen luonnossa kun mitä voisi lukemalla päätellä, mikä on jo paljon! Jos et vielä oo lukenut niin käy ehottomasti kattomassa Heidin blogi, Searching for the LBD

Ihanaa viikkoa!
Have a great week!

Love, Anna

Monday, 7 July 2014

summer trough iPhone


This summer has gone soo fast! Well the time flies when you have fun, right? I've definitely had fun and hopefully you too! Here's an update of what I've been upto lately, what have you guys been doing?

On the second last school week we nineth graders went to Särkänniemi amusement park

And we had a class tournament (so we were the 'a-class girls obviously)

The school year was finalised with 9th graders dance

And on the graduation day we celebrated a little of the ending of my secondary school and mostly the graduation of my sister. We baked a lot and had about 100 guests coming so everything got eaten!

The holiday started with my school friends at Montturock, a free music event in my Town

Huge news! They opened a Burger King in Tuusula! So of course we had to go celebrate the opening 

Me and my skating friend Aino went to the Magnum event where designed our own ice creams 

I was 'tutoring' on a confirmation camp in Hungary with these other guys (one missing tought)

At the end of the camp we went to Budapest to visit sights and do some shopping

Our group was soo lovely!

On 17th of June I turned sixteen!

So I celebrated it with really simply with my friends

I spent a weekend at our summer cottage

Where we also celebrated midsummer, with the traditional bonfire

I stayed a few days at my grandparents where we tried baking different kinds of rubarb pies, yum!

On the confirmation day I went to help to the church and celebrate our 'little ones' with my graduation dress and green eye shadow for a change

Me & Kristiina went to Järvenpää to eat chinese buffet in Kin sushi, it was so good!

Me and my classmate met with our own confirmation camp friend in Helsinki  and ate a great salad buffet in cafe Jugend, I really recommend!

After that we went to see the transformers 4 with our classmate. I've also been to the movies to see Divergent & Maleficent with my friends, and of course did some shopping as well...

Last weekend was Summer Up! The biggest urban music festival in Finland

Happy festival life
dress - H&M

We tried this bull rodeo thing! Was so much fun, I stayed over there for 10 secs

On the second day we got more company and even better artistist plus this purple party thing ~ even more fun!

We saw the best Finnish (plus Sean Paul and Tinie Tempah) artists from the first rows

On Sunday we had a picnic in Helsinki (I found my new ice cream favorite, rocky road from ingman!❤️)

Of course I've had just some me time and the true holiday spirit as well, like yesterday

skirt - Bikbok, shirt - Bikbok, ballerinas - Vagabond

So now the summer (weather) has actually started also here and I'm gonna take all out of it! I'm leaving to my friends summer cottage in couple of hours and then on the weekend I'm going to Ilosaarirock, another music festival with my godparents family. So I should go packing now (and eat some breakfast, my holiday routines start a little bit later than normally..) , I hope that you're all having an amazing summer!

Love, Anna